Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Tipping The Scales

Loving someone... The most emotionally rewarding and possibly damaging thing one can ever endure. The highs achieved in the tornado of love are truly unmeasurable and the lows bring you tumbling down towards the centre of the earth at the speed of light. For when you love someone to the very core, all barriers and walls erected to protect oneself in life's daily routine are brought down for this person. Letting them into your life , your being and your soul. Sharing each others thoughts and coming together in a binding of body's and minds. Such is the way to live the highest possible highs. To experience happiness with an overflowing sense of euphoria, drifting through life together from one amazement to the other. The only problem with this however, is the potential for heartache. A pain that can haunt you into your dreams and the thought of escaping its damaging effects becomes a cry for survival. Love has given lives worth living over and over till the end of time and yet it has also taken countless lives with some finding death to be the only escape from its lingering pain. Love should be accepted anytime it presents itself. In my short life experience with love and its intertwining into my life, its embrace has helped create the person I am today. Its built and reinforced my person in ways so much greater than having no love in my life could have ever done. Love is binding and when shared with the right person, has the potential to blossoms into the most beautiful flower.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Where to start..

Where to start.... It's been a little over one year since I last updated my blog and honestly to cover all of it in one blog post would be way to long of a read. So where to start then? In short I've gone from a single trans-lesbian woman to having a girlfriend, to finding out we we're pregnant, to getting married and now together our beautiful little family has grown

Much has changed since March 29th of 2014. My wife and I have come together and created the most amazing and special bond. "They" say opposites attract and in a few ways we are, but I think the best representation of our bond would be one in which two very similar individuals came together to become one. Both being very high energy people, not ones to sit around all day. Both outdoor lovers eager to paddle our lakes and rivers, camp out in the wilderness and hike all the great places that we're so very fortunate to live close to.
A year into our partnership, we got married! A small ceremony with only our mothers(and dogs) there to witness the ordeal. Later that evening we had an amazing dinner with grandparents, uncle, brother, sister and best friends family there to share our love and bond. My wife being 7months pregnant was glowing so beautifully that day and I'll always remember it till the day I pass..

The bliss of the wedding carried us through a great winter here in northern Ontario. Soon the snow began to slow, the days began to stretch out and we found ourselves coming ever closer to our due date. The day we would be able to meet our little baby boy in person. Forty weeks came.. We grew very anxious and excited but the time wasn't right. Days two, three came and went  Still nothing. Four flew by quickly with no hint of our baby wanting to come into the world. Day five hit with a bang, contractions started! Was this finally the time our little guy was coming to say hi? Off to the hospital we went. The nurses admitted us into a room and monitored my wife closely but by this time the everything had subsided. The day to see our little baby boy would have to wait. The next day we decided to enjoy a day outdoors in the bush snowshoeing. Yes, snowshoeing at 40 weeks +6 days pregnant! It was a beautifully sunny and mild day. We hiked across the top of the packed snow with such ease due to the thaw and freezing which had been happening over the past few days. Such an amazing experience and it also allowed my wife to stretch out her legs and hips. The dogs also ran around with great ease flying across the crusty snow. We met up with her parents at the cottage soon thereafter, shared a fantastic lunch outside and caught up on all the events that had transpired over the last few months. Sleep came very easily for the two of us that night at home in bed. Little did we know that the 41 week mark was going to be a day of amazement.. Six AM came and next thing I knew my wife was up in the bathroom. I then heard her say "Mïta!!" She ran into the room standing over the doggy bed with a smile and pointing downward. Her water broke!! Off to the hospital once again and at 3:30PM that afternoon we were graced with the presence of our gorgeous little baby boy, Léoden Pereira Gibson.

The happiness that comes with seeing your baby come into this world is really quite hard to put into words. They are a part of you, in flesh and blood. Binding your you and your partner in the tightest of ways. Everything you do from here on in is for them, without question or complaint. In the beginning my wife and I shared in the breast feeding duties. Yes, I breastfed my baby boy and it was one of the most magical experiences I will ever have in my life.  Experts claim that it is one of the greatest ways for mother and baby to bond and  without question that holds true. Being a trans woman and having been on HRT(Hormone Replacement Therapy) for a few years had given my body the tools required to produce colostrum and breast milk(though not as much as my wife). There were slight changes in my HRT regime that needed to be taken but they were a small tradeoff to experience the magic and mother-child connection it gave us. Together my wife and I have made it a point to give our family the most outdoor-rich experience we can possible give them. Léo at the age of  three months old enjoyed his first time in a kayak and since then has been hiking, enjoyed the view from a mountain top several times and experienced countless lakes around our beautiful area here in Northern Ontario. At seven months old now he has become quite the little bundle of smiles and energy.  A mouth full of teeth,(eight at the time I write this and first one came at three and a half months of age) furniture walking, floor sweeping, dog chasing and brother hair pulling little boy, and moms could not be any happier :)

Feel free to follow my family's online Instagram page as well as our Youtube channel at the links below :)

