Loving someone... The most emotionally rewarding and possibly damaging thing one can ever endure. The highs achieved in the tornado of love are truly unmeasurable and the lows bring you tumbling down towards the centre of the earth at the speed of light. For when you love someone to the very core, all barriers and walls erected to protect oneself in life's daily routine are brought down for this person. Letting them into your life , your being and your soul. Sharing each others thoughts and coming together in a binding of body's and minds. Such is the way to live the highest possible highs. To experience happiness with an overflowing sense of euphoria, drifting through life together from one amazement to the other. The only problem with this however, is the potential for heartache. A pain that can haunt you into your dreams and the thought of escaping its damaging effects becomes a cry for survival. Love has given lives worth living over and over till the end of time and yet it has also taken countless lives with some finding death to be the only escape from its lingering pain. Love should be accepted anytime it presents itself. In my short life experience with love and its intertwining into my life, its embrace has helped create the person I am today. Its built and reinforced my person in ways so much greater than having no love in my life could have ever done. Love is binding and when shared with the right person, has the potential to blossoms into the most beautiful flower.
song and video singing the praises of trans girls
song and video singing the praises of trans girls