Hello to everyone,
I hope you all have had a great off-season and have had a chance to relax :) Its looking as though this years sweeping season is going to be busier than last year so I hope you're all ready to get back to work. The main reason I'm writing this letter is to inform you all that I have made some changes in my personal life over the winter that were long overdue, manly a change in name. I'm sure some of you may have heard or suspected that I too am transgendered. I would however, like to make it formal to the returning crew and to the new faces we may see this coming season. My original plan was to have my niece/godchild name me when she turned 3, though, with her learning how to speak now, she began calling me Mite rather than Mike, and that is how I came to my new name... Mïta (pronounced M-eye-tah). Ive been extremely blessed with support and acceptance from everyone in my life, family, friends and complete strangers even. I look forward to working with everyone this coming season. Lets hope it's a busy one! :)
Mïta Gibson
P.S. If anyone has any questions in regards to transgender related issues, please don't be afraid to ask them. I'm an open book and hope that I can help shed some light on trans related issues. As well, if you'd like to know more about my coming out and general trans related issues, check out my blog online at http://mitastranslife.blogspot.ca/2013/03/in-begining.html
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